Bye Bye Brazil

Bye Bye Brazil Portuguese Bye Bye Brasil is a 1979 BrazilianFrenchArgentine film, directed by Carlos Diegues.

The Caravana Rollidei, is a traveling show made up of a magician Lord Gypsy, the exotic dancer Salom, and the mute strongman Swallow drive their van into a small town along the Rio Sanfransico. They perform in the town, afterwards a local accordion player, Cico, begs Lord Gypsy to let him join them, and Lord Gypsy does. They then go to Masio to see the ocean, and completely fail to find any business.The caravan leaves town, bringing with them Cico and his pregnant wife Dasd. They arrive at the next town only to find everyone watching a television in a public area. After attempting and failing to convince the audience to stop watching, Lord Gypsy pretends to use magic to blow up the TV Its actually just Salome overloading a circuit breaker . The townspeople then force them to leave. ........

Source: Wikipedia